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CFD simulation of gas–liquid flow in a hig(5)

来源:人口与经济 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-13
摘要:Ωbr(V,V′)bubble breakage rate Ωag(ViVj)bubble coalescence rate, εiphase holdup,i=1:gas phase,i=2:liquid phase εGaverage gas phase holdup εGgas phase holdup εLliquid phase holdup εG,1εG,2turb

Ωbr(V,V′)bubble breakage rate

Ωag(ViVj)bubble coalescence rate,

εiphase holdup,i=1:gas phase,i=2:liquid phase

εGaverage gas phase holdup

εGgas phase holdup

εLliquid phase holdup

εG,1εG,2turbulent diffusion force limit function constant

ζijrelative diameter of bubble

ζminminimum relative diameter of bubble

μtturbulent viscosity,Pa·s

ρ0Gas density under standard conditions,kg·m?3

ρLliquid density,kg·m?3

ρGgas density,kg·m?3

σ surface tension,N·s?1

ω(ViVj) collision frequency between bubbles of size diand dj,m3·s?1

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文章来源:《人口与经济》 网址: http://www.rkyjj.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1013/558.html

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